S&P Dow Jones Indices Methodology

The S&P Dow Jones Indices Methodology is a comprehensive guide that provides an overview of the methodology used by S&P Dow Jones Indices to construct and maintain their indices. It covers a wide range of topics, including index classification, equity and fixed income methodologies, market consultations, and corporate engagement. Whether you are a wealth manager, institutional investor, or simply interested in understanding the inner workings of these indices, this methodology guide is an indispensable resource. Gain insight into the factors that shape the composition of these indices and explore the various investment opportunities they offer. Stay up to date with the latest research and insights, and access exclusive data and research by registering today.

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S&P Dow Jones Indices Methodology


The S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology is a comprehensive framework used to classify and analyze various financial indices. This methodology provides a systematic approach to categorizing indices based on their characteristics, such as equity developed or equity developed pan regional.

Index Classification

The index classification aspect of the S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology focuses on grouping indices into specific categories based on their geographical scope and asset class. This classification allows investors and analysts to easily identify and compare indices that share similar attributes.

Equity Developed

The equity developed classification within the S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology encompasses indices that track the performance of developed markets across the globe. These indices exclude the United States and Asia Pacific, providing a focused view of developed economies in other regions.

Equity Developed Pan Regional

The equity developed pan regional classification is a subset of the equity developed category in the S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology. This classification includes indices that cover a broader geographic scope, combining multiple regions or countries within the developed markets.

Index Finder

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Access exclusive data and research

By registering for an Index Finder account, you gain access to a wide range of exclusive data and research. This includes in-depth analysis, market insights, and comprehensive reports that can help inform your investment decisions.


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Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index


The Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index serves as a benchmark for developed markets in Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. This index provides insight into the performance of these markets, excluding the United States and Asia Pacific.


The Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index provides comprehensive data on the performance of developed markets in the specified regions. This data includes historical prices, index values, and other relevant market information.

Index-Linked Products

Investors can explore index-linked products that are connected to the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. These products allow investors to gain exposure to the performance of the index and potentially benefit from the movements in these developed markets.

News & Research

Stay informed about the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index with the latest news and research. Access articles, reports, and insights that provide valuable information and analysis on the performance and trends within these markets.



The methodology section of the factsheet provides an overview of the methodology used for the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. It explains the criteria and factors considered when selecting and weighting the constituents of the index.

Dow Jones Global Indices Methodology

The Dow Jones Global Indices Methodology is a broader framework that covers various indices, including the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. This methodology provides a standardized approach to index construction and maintenance.


TalkingPoints: Assessing the Impact of 20 Years of SPIVA

The TalkingPoints section focuses on assessing the impact of 20 years of SPIVA (S&P Indices Versus Active). This educational resource delves into the findings of the SPIVA scorecards and provides valuable insights into the performance of actively managed funds compared to their respective benchmarks.

SPIVA® Scorecards: An Overview

The SPIVA Scorecards offer a comprehensive overview of the performance of actively managed funds relative to their benchmarks. These scorecards provide statistical analysis and comparisons that highlight the trends and patterns observed in the investment industry.

Indexology Magazine: Spring 2021

The Indexology Magazine is a publication that covers a range of topics related to indices and market trends. The Spring 2021 edition highlights key developments and provides expert insights on various aspects of the financial markets.



The constituents section provides a list of the components that make up the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. These constituents represent the individual securities that contribute to the overall performance of the index.

Top 10 Constituents by Index Weight

The top 10 constituents by index weight section highlights the securities that have the highest weighting within the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. These securities have a significant impact on the overall performance of the index.

Full Constituents List

The full constituents list provides a comprehensive inventory of all the securities included in the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. Investors and analysts can refer to this list for detailed information on each constituent.

Constituent Symbol

The constituent symbol section displays the unique symbols or tickers associated with each constituent in the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. These symbols are used to identify and track the individual securities for investment and analysis purposes.

Sector Breakdown

The sector breakdown section of the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index provides insight into the distribution of sectors within the index. This breakdown highlights the relative weights of each sector and helps investors understand the sector composition of the index.

Sector Index Weight

The sector index weight section provides specific information on the weight of each sector within the Dow Jones Europe/Canada/Middle East Developed Markets Index. This data allows investors to assess the exposure and concentration of the index in different sectors.


The filters section allows users to refine their search within the Index Finder tool based on specific criteria. Users can filter content by type, such as brochures, research commentary, education materials, performance reports, events, webinars, and more. Additionally, users can filter content by date, including the past week, past 30 days, past 60 days, and past year.


Users can filter content based on its type, such as brochures, research commentary, education materials, performance reports, events, webinars, index TV, corporate news, index announcements, index launches, and index decommissions.


Users can choose to filter content based on specific timeframes, including all available data, the past week, the past 30 days, the past 60 days, and the past year. This allows users to access the most relevant and recent information.

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Product Name

Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares

The Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares is a specific product linked to an index. This product provides investors with exposure to the performance of the S&P Biotech sector, with a leverage factor of 3X. Investors can use this product to amplify their exposure to the biotech sector and potentially benefit from its movements.



The country/region section focuses on Australia and its relevance within the S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology. This section may provide specific information on indices, products, or characteristics related to Australia as a market. Investors with an interest in the Australian market can refer to this section for insights and analysis.

Overall, the S&P Dow Jones Indices methodology provides a comprehensive framework for classifying and analyzing various financial indices. With its index finder tool, investors and researchers can access exclusive data, research, and analysis to inform their investment decisions. The methodology’s focus on index classification, along with its education and characteristics sections, allows users to gain a deeper understanding of specific indices, sectors, and regions.

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Source: https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/dow-jones-europe-canada-middle-east-developed-markets-index