S&P Dow Jones Indices

The Dow Jones Banks Titans 30 Index, developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices, is a comprehensive measure of the leading companies in the global banks sector. This index provides investors with a valuable tool for tracking the performance of the banking industry and making informed investment decisions. With its focus on the top players in the sector, the Dow Jones Banks Titans 30 Index offers a comprehensive snapshot of the banking industry’s performance, enabling investors to gain insight into trends and developments within this important sector of the global economy. Whether you are a wealth manager, institutional investor, or insurance professional, the Dow Jones Banks Titans 30 Index offers valuable insights and a convenient way to monitor the performance of the global banking industry.

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About S&P Dow Jones Indices


S&P Dow Jones Indices is a leading provider of financial market indices, offering a wide range of indices covering various asset classes and regions. With a strong reputation for accuracy and reliability, S&P Dow Jones Indices is trusted by investors, asset managers, and financial institutions around the world.


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a comprehensive set of services to meet the diverse needs of its clients. These services include the creation and calculation of indices, index licensing and benchmarking, index data and analytics, and custom solutions. The company’s services are designed to help investors and asset managers make informed investment decisions and measure performance against relevant benchmarks.

Media Center

The S&P Dow Jones Indices Media Center provides a wealth of resources for investors, journalists, and other stakeholders. The media center features press releases, market updates, research reports, and other valuable content. It is a go-to destination for the latest news and insights from S&P Dow Jones Indices.

Contact Us

S&P Dow Jones Indices has a dedicated team of professionals ready to assist clients with their needs. For inquiries about specific indices, data and analytics, licensing, or other services, clients can contact the company through the provided contact information. S&P Dow Jones Indices values the feedback and input of its clients and strives to provide excellent customer service.


Research & Insights

S&P Dow Jones Indices is committed to providing cutting-edge research and insights to help investors navigate the markets. The company’s team of experienced researchers and analysts conducts in-depth studies on various trends and developments in the financial markets. The research and insights cover a wide range of topics, including market performance, sector analysis, factor investing, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing.

Exchange Relationships

S&P Dow Jones Indices has established strong relationships with exchanges around the world, allowing for the creation and calculation of a wide range of indices. These exchange relationships ensure the accuracy and integrity of the indices and facilitate their use as benchmarks for investment products. The company works closely with exchanges to ensure that index methodologies and calculations align with market best practices.

Professional Resources

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides a range of professional resources to assist clients in their investment and research efforts. These resources include index methodologies, white papers, research reports, and educational materials. Clients can access these resources to gain a deeper understanding of the indices and how they can be used to inform investment decisions.


S&P Dow Jones Indices is committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance and transparency. The company has a robust governance framework in place to ensure the integrity and independence of its indices. This includes a strong focus on regulatory compliance, methodological rigor, and regular consultations with market participants. S&P Dow Jones Indices actively engages with stakeholders to gather feedback and make improvements to its governance practices.



S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a wide range of equity indices covering various regions and sectors. These equity indices provide investors with a comprehensive view of the performance of different segments of the equity markets. The indices are designed to be representative, transparent, and easily accessible for investors.

Fixed Income

S&P Dow Jones Indices also provides fixed income indices, giving investors insight into the performance of the fixed income markets. These indices cover various regions and sectors of the fixed income markets, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. The fixed income indices are widely used by investors for benchmarking and performance measurement purposes.


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a comprehensive suite of commodities indices, providing investors with exposure to various commodities markets. These indices cover commodities such as energy, metals, agricultural products, and more. The commodities indices enable investors to track the performance of these markets and gain exposure to the potential benefits of commodity investments.

Dividends & Factors

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides dividends and factors indices that focus on specific investment strategies. Dividends indices track the performance of dividend-paying stocks, allowing investors to capture income potential. Factors indices, on the other hand, focus on specific investment factors such as value, growth, momentum, and low volatility, providing a systematic approach to investing.


S&P Dow Jones Indices also offers multi-asset indices, which provide investors with exposure to multiple asset classes in a single index. These indices are designed to reflect a balanced and diversified investment approach, incorporating equities, fixed income, and other asset classes. The multi-asset indices enable investors to achieve broad market exposure and manage risk effectively.

Other Strategies

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of other strategies indices, catering to the diverse needs of investors. These strategies include equal-weighted indices, smart beta indices, thematic indices, and more. Each strategy is designed to meet specific investment objectives and provide investors with innovative ways to access the markets.

ESG Thematics

S&P Dow Jones Indices is committed to promoting sustainable and responsible investing. The company offers a range of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) thematic indices, which integrate ESG factors into the index construction process. These indices enable investors to align their investments with their values and incorporate sustainability considerations into their decision-making process.

Digital Assets

S&P Dow Jones Indices recognizes the growing importance of digital assets in the investment landscape. The company offers a suite of digital assets indices, providing investors with exposure to cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. These indices help investors track the performance of this emerging asset class and gain exposure to its potential growth opportunities.


S&P Dow Jones Indices also provides a range of indicators that help investors monitor market trends and make informed investment decisions. These indicators include volatility indices, sentiment indices, economic indicators, and more. The indicators provide valuable insights into market dynamics and can be used as a tool for risk management and asset allocation.

Custom Solutions

S&P Dow Jones Indices understands that every investor has unique needs and preferences. The company offers custom solutions, allowing clients to create indices tailored to their specific requirements. The custom solutions team works closely with clients to understand their objectives and deliver innovative and customized index solutions.

Fixed Income


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a comprehensive suite of fixed income indices, covering various regions and sectors of the fixed income markets. These indices provide investors with a comprehensive view of the performance of the fixed income markets and serve as important benchmarks for investment products.


S&P Dow Jones Indices’ global fixed income indices cover a wide range of regions and markets around the world. These indices provide investors with insight into the performance of global fixed income markets, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and other debt instruments.


S&P Dow Jones Indices’ fixed income indices for the Americas region cover North, Central, and South America. These indices enable investors to track the performance of the fixed income markets in these regions and gain exposure to the potential opportunities in the Americas’ fixed income markets.


S&P Dow Jones Indices’ fixed income indices for Europe cover various countries in the region. These indices provide investors with insight into the performance of the European fixed income markets, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and other debt instruments.

Middle East & Africa

S&P Dow Jones Indices’ fixed income indices for the Middle East and Africa region cover a range of countries in these regions. These indices enable investors to track the performance of the fixed income markets in the Middle East and Africa and gain exposure to the potential opportunities in these markets.

Asia Pacific

S&P Dow Jones Indices’ fixed income indices for the Asia Pacific region cover a wide range of countries in this region. These indices provide investors with insight into the performance of the fixed income markets in Asia Pacific, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and other debt instruments.



S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of commodities indices in partnership with IHS Markit. These indices cover various commodities markets, including energy, metals, agricultural products, and more. The IHS Markit indices provide investors with exposure to these markets and enable them to track the performance of different commodities.

iBoxx Bond & Loan Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices also offers the iBoxx bond and loan indices, which provide investors with insight into the performance of the bond and loan markets. These indices cover various sectors, maturities, and credit qualities, enabling investors to track the performance of different segments of the bond and loan markets.

ESG/Sustainable Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of ESG/sustainable indices for commodities markets. These indices integrate ESG factors into the index construction process, enabling investors to align their investments with their sustainability goals. The ESG/sustainable indices provide a transparent and objective framework for evaluating the ESG performance of commodities.

Credit Default Swap Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers credit default swap (CDS) indices, providing investors with insight into the credit default swap market. These indices track the performance of the CDS market and enable investors to monitor credit risk and make informed investment decisions.

Private Investment Benchmarks

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers private investment benchmarks for commodities markets. These benchmarks provide investors with performance measurement tools for private investments in commodities, including private equity, venture capital, and other alternative investments.

Dividends & Factors

See All IHS Markit Solutions

S&P Dow Jones Indices partners with IHS Markit to offer a range of solutions for dividends and factors investing. These solutions cover various investment strategies, including dividend-focused indices, factor-based indices, and more. The IHS Markit solutions enable investors to implement these strategies and gain exposure to the potential benefits of dividends and factors investing.

Research & Insights Overview

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides in-depth research and insights on dividends and factors investing. The research covers various topics, including the performance of dividend-paying stocks, factor investing strategies, and the use of dividends and factors in portfolio construction. The insights help investors understand the potential benefits and risks associated with dividends and factors investing.

Research Commentary

S&P Dow Jones Indices publishes research commentary on dividends and factors investing, providing valuable insights into market trends and developments. The research commentary covers a wide range of topics, including dividend trends, factor performance, and the impact of dividends and factors on portfolio returns.


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers educational resources on dividends and factors investing. These resources provide investors with a deeper understanding of dividend-focused and factor-based investing strategies, including how to implement these strategies and integrate them into a portfolio. The education materials are designed to be accessible and informative for investors of all levels of experience.

Performance Reports

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides performance reports for dividends and factors indices. These reports offer detailed analysis of the performance of dividend-focused and factor-based strategies, including historical returns, risk characteristics, and other performance metrics. The performance reports help investors evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies and make informed investment decisions.


S&P Dow Jones Indices publishes the SPIVA (S&P Indices Versus Active) reports, which compare the performance of actively managed funds to the performance of their respective indices. The SPIVA reports provide valuable insights into the persistence of active fund performance and the benefits of passive investing. The reports are widely used by investors, asset managers, and financial advisors to evaluate the performance of investment strategies.

Investment Themes

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers investment themes indices that focus on specific investment themes and trends. These indices enable investors to gain exposure to targeted investment themes, such as technology, healthcare, sustainability, and more. The investment themes indices help investors capitalize on emerging trends and align their investments with specific market opportunities.


S&P Dow Jones Indices maintains a blog that covers a wide range of topics, including dividends and factors investing. The blog features insights, analysis, and commentary from S&P Dow Jones Indices’ experts, providing investors with timely and valuable information. The blog is a valuable resource for investors seeking to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in dividends and factors investing.


S&P Dow Jones Indices hosts events on dividends and factors investing, providing investors with the opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with peers. These events include conferences, seminars, webinars, and more. The events offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for investors interested in dividends and factors investing.

Index TV

S&P Dow Jones Indices produces Index TV, a video series that covers a wide range of topics related to dividends and factors investing. The videos feature interviews with industry experts, analysis of market trends, and educational content. Index TV is a valuable resource for investors looking to expand their knowledge of dividends and factors investing.

ESG Thematics

Exchange Relationships Overview

S&P Dow Jones Indices has established exchange relationships around the world to support the creation and calculation of ESG thematic indices. These exchange relationships ensure the accuracy and integrity of the indices and facilitate their use as benchmarks for ESG-focused investment products. The company works closely with exchanges to ensure that index methodologies and calculations align with market best practices.

North America

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of ESG thematic indices for the North American market. These indices enable investors to incorporate ESG considerations into their investment strategies and gain exposure to companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and governance practices. The North American ESG thematic indices provide a transparent and objective framework for evaluating the ESG performance of companies in this region.

Latin America

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of ESG thematic indices for the Latin American market. These indices enable investors to integrate ESG considerations into their investment strategies and gain exposure to companies that prioritize sustainable practices. The Latin American ESG thematic indices provide investors with a comprehensive view of the ESG performance of companies in this region.


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of ESG thematic indices for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region. These indices enable investors to incorporate ESG considerations into their investment strategies and gain exposure to companies that demonstrate strong sustainability and governance practices. The EMEA ESG thematic indices provide investors with a comprehensive view of the ESG performance of companies in this region.

Asia Pacific

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers a range of ESG thematic indices for the Asia Pacific market. These indices enable investors to integrate ESG considerations into their investment strategies and gain exposure to companies that prioritize environmental and social responsibility. The Asia Pacific ESG thematic indices provide investors with insight into the ESG performance of companies in this region.

Digital Assets

Professional Resources

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides professional resources for investors interested in digital assets. These resources include index methodologies, research reports, and educational materials. The professional resources help investors understand the characteristics of digital assets and how they can be incorporated into investment strategies.

Wealth Managers

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers solutions for wealth managers seeking to incorporate digital assets into client portfolios. These solutions include digital assets indices that provide broad market exposure and enable wealth managers to manage risk effectively. The solutions help wealth managers navigate the evolving digital assets landscape and provide their clients with innovative investment options.


S&P Dow Jones Indices offers solutions for insurance companies looking to incorporate digital assets into their investment portfolios. These solutions enable insurance companies to gain exposure to digital assets while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and risk management guidelines. The solutions help insurance companies capitalize on the potential benefits of digital assets while managing associated risks.

Institutional Investors

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides solutions for institutional investors seeking to include digital assets in their investment strategies. These solutions include digital assets indices that enable institutional investors to track the performance of the digital assets markets and gain exposure to this emerging asset class. The solutions help institutional investors diversify their portfolios and capture potential growth opportunities.

Defined Contribution

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers solutions for defined contribution plans looking to offer exposure to digital assets to plan participants. These solutions provide defined contribution plan sponsors with a range of options for incorporating digital assets into their investment lineup. The solutions help defined contribution plans meet the evolving needs and preferences of plan participants.

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Governance Overview

S&P Dow Jones Indices has a robust governance framework in place to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of its indicators. The governance framework includes regulatory compliance, methodological rigor, and corporate engagement. S&P Dow Jones Indices actively engages with market participants and stakeholders to gather feedback and make improvements to its governance practices.

Regulatory Information

S&P Dow Jones Indices provides regulatory information related to its indicators. This information includes compliance with regulatory requirements, regulatory filings, and disclosures. S&P Dow Jones Indices is committed to ensuring that its indicators comply with applicable regulations and that users have access to the necessary information to make informed decisions.


S&P Dow Jones Indices provides detailed methodologies for its indicators. These methodologies outline the rules and calculations used to construct and maintain the indicators. The methodologies provide transparency and clarity, enabling users to understand how the indicators are constructed and how they can be used for investment and risk management purposes.


S&P Dow Jones Indices regularly engages in consultations with market participants and stakeholders on various aspects of its indicators. These consultations provide an opportunity for feedback, input, and collaboration on issues related to index methodologies, calculations, and other areas of interest. S&P Dow Jones Indices values the input of market participants and incorporates feedback into the ongoing development and improvement of its indicators.

Corporate Engagement

S&P Dow Jones Indices actively engages with companies to gather information and insights related to its indicators. This engagement includes discussions with company management, analysis of corporate ESG practices, and consideration of company-specific factors in index construction. S&P Dow Jones Indices strives to incorporate relevant corporate governance considerations into its indicators to provide investors with a comprehensive view of corporate performance.


iBoxx Bond & Loan Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices offers the iBoxx bond and loan indices in partnership with IHS Markit. These indices provide investors with insight into the performance of the bond and loan markets. The iBoxx indices cover various sectors, maturities, and credit qualities, enabling investors to track the performance of different segments of the bond and loan markets.

ESG/Sustainable Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices and IHS Markit offer a range of ESG/sustainable indices for various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and commodities. These indices integrate ESG factors into the index construction process, enabling investors to align their investments with their sustainability goals. The ESG/sustainable indices provide a transparent and objective framework for evaluating the ESG performance of companies and investments.

Credit Default Swap Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices and IHS Markit provide credit default swap (CDS) indices, giving investors insight into the credit default swap market. These indices track the performance of the CDS market and enable investors to monitor credit risk and make informed investment decisions.

Private Investment Benchmarks

S&P Dow Jones Indices and IHS Markit offer private investment benchmarks for various asset classes, including commodities. These benchmarks provide investors with performance measurement tools for private investments, including private equity, venture capital, and other alternative investments. The private investment benchmarks enable investors to evaluate the performance of their private investments and compare them to relevant market benchmarks.

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Source: https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/dow-jones-banks-titans-30-index