S&P Global Market Intelligence

The S&P Global Market Intelligence creates dynamic indices that offer valuable insights and investment opportunities in the global financial markets. One such index is the S&P 500 Dynamic VIX Futures Index, which strategically allocates between the S&P 500 Short-Term VIX Futures and S&P 500 Mid-Term VIX Futures Indices. By monitoring the steepness of the implied volatility curve, the index provides a cost-efficient exposure to forward implied volatility. This index is designed to assist investors in navigating the complexities of the market and capitalize on potential volatility. With its comprehensive research and insights, S&P Global Market Intelligence continues to empower investors with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions.

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Indices Research & Insights


In the realm of equity indices research and insights, professionals focus on analyzing and understanding the performance and trends of various equity markets. This includes studying the behavior of specific stocks and sectors within those markets, as well as examining broader market dynamics such as market capitalization and liquidity. Through comprehensive research and analysis, professionals aim to provide valuable insights and recommendations to investors and traders.

Fixed Income

Fixed income indices research and insights delve into the world of fixed income securities, such as bonds and loans. Professionals analyze the performance of these instruments, including factors like interest rates, credit quality, and duration. By understanding the dynamics of the fixed income market, professionals can offer insights on pricing, risk management, and investment strategies to market participants.


Commodities indices research and insights focus on the assessment and analysis of various commodities markets, including energy, metals, and agricultural products. Professionals in this field keep a close eye on factors such as supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, and regulatory changes that can impact commodity prices. By providing in-depth research and insights, professionals assist market participants in making informed decisions in this complex and volatile sector.

Dividends & Factors

Dividends and factors are important components of investment strategies. Research and insights in this area aim to identify and understand the impact of dividend payments and factor exposures, such as value, growth, momentum, and quality, on portfolio performance. By analyzing historical data and studying market trends, professionals provide valuable information to investors and asset managers seeking to optimize their dividend and factor-driven investment strategies.


Multi-asset research and insights examine the performance and interactions of different asset classes within a portfolio. This field focuses on the allocation and diversification strategies that aim to optimize risk-adjusted returns for investors. Professionals in this area analyze the historical performance of various asset classes, such as equities, fixed income, and alternatives, to provide insights on portfolio construction and asset allocation.

Other Strategies

In addition to the conventional asset classes, professionals also conduct research and provide insights on alternative investment strategies. These may include managed futures, hedge funds, private equity, and real estate, among others. By studying the intricacies and nuances of these strategies, professionals offer valuable insights on their risk-return profiles and potential benefits for investors.

ESG Thematics

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) thematic research and insights focus on sustainable investing and responsible business practices. Professionals in this field analyze the performance and impact of ESG factors on investments and companies. By examining various ESG metrics and integrating them into investment strategies, professionals aim to generate positive social and environmental outcomes while achieving financial returns.

Digital Assets

Digital assets research and insights explore the emerging field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Professionals in this area study the performance and trends of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as the underlying technology that powers them. By providing analysis and insights on the potential risks and opportunities in this rapidly evolving sector, professionals assist investors and market participants in navigating the digital asset landscape.


Indicators research and insights involve the analysis and interpretation of key economic indicators and market data. Professionals in this field monitor and assess indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, employment, and consumer sentiment to understand the health and direction of the economy. By providing timely and accurate insights, professionals help investors, economists, and policymakers make informed decisions.

Custom Solutions

Custom solutions research and insights entail tailoring investment strategies and indices to meet the specific needs of institutional clients and investors. Professionals in this field work closely with clients to understand their objectives, risk tolerance, and unique requirements. By leveraging their expertise and research capabilities, professionals design and develop custom indices and investment solutions to optimize portfolio outcomes for clients.

Exchange Relationships


Exchange relationships refer to the partnerships and collaborations between financial institutions and exchanges around the world. These relationships allow institutions to access a wide range of financial products, including equities, fixed income securities, commodities, derivatives, and more. By establishing relationships with exchanges, institutions gain access to trading platforms, liquidity, and opportunities for market participation.

North America

In North America, exchange relationships are vital for accessing the largest and most influential financial markets in the world, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq, and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). These exchanges offer a diverse range of products and services, enabling institutions to trade and invest in various asset classes. Building strong relationships with North American exchanges is crucial for institutions looking to navigate these dynamic and highly liquid markets.

Latin America

Exchange relationships in Latin America provide institutions with access to emerging markets and unique investment opportunities. Exchanges such as BM&FBOVESPA in Brazil, Bolsa Mexicana de Valores in Mexico, and Santiago Stock Exchange in Chile offer platforms for trading equities, derivatives, and fixed income securities. By establishing relationships with Latin American exchanges, institutions can tap into the region’s growing economies and diversified markets.


Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) boast a diverse and interconnected network of financial markets, each with its own exchange relationships. Key exchanges in this region include the London Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse, Euronext, and Johannesburg Stock Exchange, among others. By establishing relationships with EMEA exchanges, institutions gain exposure to a variety of asset classes and geographies, allowing for increased investment diversification and access to international markets.

Asia Pacific

Exchange relationships in the Asia Pacific region are essential for accessing some of the world’s fastest-growing economies and emerging markets. Exchanges such as the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange, and Singapore Exchange offer access to a wide range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and derivatives. Building strong relationships with Asia Pacific exchanges is crucial for institutions looking to tap into the region’s vibrant and dynamic markets.

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Professional Resources

Wealth Managers

Wealth managers play a critical role in helping individuals and families manage their financial assets and achieve their long-term financial goals. Professional resources for wealth managers include research, market insights, and investment tools that aid in portfolio construction, asset allocation, risk management, and investment decision-making. These resources help wealth managers provide informed advice and tailored solutions to their clients, ensuring the effective management and growth of their wealth.


Professional resources for the insurance industry encompass a wide range of products and services designed to help insurance companies effectively manage their investment portfolios, mitigate risks, and optimize returns. These resources include research and insights on insurance underwriting, risk modeling, asset liability management, and investment strategies. By leveraging these resources, insurers can make informed decisions and tailor their investment strategies to meet their specific needs and regulatory requirements.

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors, such as pension funds, endowments, and sovereign wealth funds, require access to professional resources that enable them to effectively manage their significant financial assets. These resources include comprehensive research and insights on asset allocation, portfolio construction, risk management, and investment strategies. By leveraging these resources, institutional investors can optimize their returns, mitigate risks, and meet their long-term financial obligations.

Defined Contribution

Defined contribution plans, such as 401(k) plans, are a vital component of retirement savings for millions of individuals. Professional resources for defined contribution providers include tools and insights that enable them to offer effective retirement planning solutions to plan participants. These resources encompass retirement income projections, investment education, target-date funds, and other investment options designed to help individuals build and protect their retirement savings. By leveraging these resources, defined contribution providers can empower individuals to make informed investment decisions and achieve their retirement goals.



Governance refers to the systems, structures, and processes that guide and regulate the operations of financial institutions and market participants. Good governance ensures transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct, promoting investor confidence and market integrity. In the financial industry, governance frameworks encompass regulatory compliance, risk management, internal controls, and stakeholder engagement.

Regulatory Information

Regulatory information is a key component of governance in the financial industry. It encompasses rules, regulations, and guidelines set forth by regulatory authorities, such as securities commissions, central banks, and financial services regulators. Professional resources that provide regulatory information help market participants stay informed and compliant with the evolving regulatory landscape. This includes updates on new regulations, changes to existing regulations, and insights on regulatory trends and developments.


Methodologies in the context of governance refer to the frameworks and approaches used to assess and evaluate financial institutions and market participants in areas such as risk management, compliance, internal controls, and ethical conduct. Professional resources that provide methodologies offer market participants standardized frameworks and tools to assess and improve their governance practices. These resources enable market participants to align with best practices and enhance their governance processes.


Consultations play a crucial role in governance, allowing market participants and stakeholders to provide input and feedback on proposed regulations, guidelines, and market initiatives. Professional resources that facilitate consultations provide platforms and opportunities for market participants to contribute their perspectives and insights to the regulatory and industry decision-making processes. These resources enable market participants to actively engage with regulators and influence the development of governance frameworks that impact their operations.

Corporate Engagement

Corporate engagement refers to the proactive involvement of financial institutions with the companies in which they invest. Through active ownership and engagement, financial institutions can influence corporate behavior and promote sustainable and responsible business practices. Professional resources that support corporate engagement provide insights, tools, and strategies for financial institutions to effectively engage with companies on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. These resources enable financial institutions to integrate ESG considerations into their investment decisions and promote positive change through active ownership.

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Source: https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/indicators/sp-500-dynamic-vix-futures-index