Tesla Retail Investors Focus on Cybertruck Deliveries and Model 3 Refresh in Q3

Tesla Retail Investors Focus on Cybertruck Deliveries and Model 3 Refresh in Q3

In the upcoming third-quarter results for Tesla, retail investors are showing a keen interest in the company’s Cybertruck deliveries and the potential refresh of the Model 3. Despite concerns over shrinking margins, retail investors are more concerned about the number of Cybertrucks Tesla plans to deliver in 2024, as well as the availability of the Model 3 refresh, codenamed Highland, in the U.S. Questions about the timeline for Optimus deployment, progress on full-driving software, and updates on the 4680 Cell were also top priorities for retail investors. While Tesla’s margins have been declining, analysts and investors have high hopes for the Cybertruck and its potential impact on the company’s volume and sales of other EVs.

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Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) is set to release its third-quarter results after the market closes on Wednesday. The company’s financial performance in Q3 will be closely watched by investors, particularly retail investors who hold shares in Tesla. The Q3 results will give insights into the company’s profitability and growth potential, and will have a significant impact on investor sentiment. In this article, we will discuss the importance of the Q3 results for Tesla retail investors, focusing on concerns over shrinking margins, the significance of Cybertruck deliveries, and the anticipation for the Model 3 refresh.

Importance of Q3 Results for Tesla Retail Investors

Concerns over shrinking margins

One of the key concerns for Tesla retail investors is the company’s shrinking margins. Tesla has been adjusting prices downward in the third quarter through discounting and price cuts, which has led to a decline in its auto gross margin. This trend of margin erosion started at the beginning of the year and has continued throughout the year. The declining margins raise concerns about the company’s profitability and its ability to generate sustainable long-term growth. Therefore, the Q3 results will be crucial in determining whether Tesla can address these concerns and improve its margins.

The focus on Cybertruck deliveries

Another major focus for Tesla retail investors is the number of Cybertrucks the company plans to deliver in the future. A question posed by an anonymous retail investor regarding the number of Cybertrucks Tesla hopes to deliver in 2024 has received significant attention from shareholders. The potential impact of Cybertruck deliveries on Tesla’s overall volume and sales is a matter of great interest to investors. A successful launch and delivery of the Cybertruck could significantly boost the company’s sales and profitability, which would be highly beneficial for Tesla and its shareholders.

The anticipation for the Model 3 refresh

The upcoming Model 3 refresh is also generating excitement among Tesla retail investors. The Model 3 has been a key driver of the company’s success, and any updates or improvements to the model are eagerly awaited by investors. The Model 3 refresh, codenamed Highland, is expected to bring new features and enhancements to the popular electric vehicle. Retail investors are interested in knowing when the refreshed Model 3 will be available in the U.S. market and how it will contribute to Tesla’s sales and growth prospects.

Margin Erosion and Retail Investor Perception

Margin decline trend

Tesla’s auto gross margin, excluding regulatory credits, has been in a declining trend for the past three quarters. It dropped from 24.3% in December 2022 to 18.1% in June 2023. This decline in margins has raised concerns among retail investors about the company’s ability to maintain profitability and generate sustainable growth. The Q3 results will provide insights into whether this trend of margin erosion continued or if Tesla was able to improve its margins during the quarter.

Analysts’ expectations for Q3 margins

Analysts have been closely monitoring Tesla’s margin performance and have provided their estimates for the Q3 margins. Deepwater Asset Management’s Gene Munster estimates the auto gross margin, excluding regulatory credits, to come in at 17.5%-17.8%. This estimate is in line with the declining trend in margins observed in the previous quarters. Analyst expectations for Q3 margins will play a significant role in shaping investor sentiment towards Tesla.

Market reaction to the margin report

The initial market reaction to the Q3 margin report is expected to be negative, considering the trend of margin erosion observed in the previous quarters. However, the market sentiment could potentially shift during the earnings call, depending on Tesla’s commentary on December’s gross margins. Positive commentary and indications of margin improvement could help alleviate concerns and boost investor confidence.

The impact of the December gross margins on investor sentiment

The December gross margins will be crucial in determining investor sentiment towards Tesla. If the company can demonstrate improved margins for the month of December, it could instill confidence among retail investors and improve their perception of Tesla’s profitability and growth potential. However, if the December gross margins continue the declining trend, it could further erode investor confidence and raise concerns about the company’s financial health.

The Significance of Cybertruck Deliveries

Top-voted shareholder question on Cybertruck deliveries

The number of Cybertrucks Tesla plans to deliver in the future has emerged as a top concern for many retail investors. A question posed by an anonymous retail investor regarding the number of Cybertrucks Tesla hopes to deliver in 2024 has received significant attention and has garnered the most votes from shareholders on a third-party website. This question reflects the high level of interest and anticipation among retail investors regarding Cybertruck deliveries.

Cybertruck’s potential impact on Tesla’s overall volume

The successful launch and delivery of the Cybertruck can significantly impact Tesla’s overall volume and sales. Retail investors are interested in knowing how many Cybertrucks Tesla plans to deliver in the future and how this will contribute to the company’s revenue growth. The Cybertruck has the potential to attract a new segment of customers and expand Tesla’s market reach, which would be highly beneficial for the company and its shareholders.

The ‘halo effect’ on sales of other Tesla EVs

In addition to its direct impact on Tesla’s overall volume, the Cybertruck could also have a positive “halo effect” on the sales of other Tesla EVs. The launch and success of the Model Y in 2020 had a significant impact on Tesla’s volume, and the Cybertruck has the potential to replicate this effect. Retail investors are interested in understanding how the Cybertruck will drive customer interest and sales across Tesla’s entire product lineup.

The Timeline for Model 3 Refresh

Top-voted shareholder question on Model 3 refresh

The anticipated refresh of the Model 3, codenamed Highland, has generated excitement among Tesla retail investors. A top-voted shareholder question on a third-party website inquired about the availability of the refreshed Model 3 in the U.S. market. This question reflects the eagerness of retail investors to learn about the timeline for the Model 3 refresh and its potential impact on Tesla’s sales and growth prospects.

Codename Highland for the Model 3 refresh

The Model 3 refresh, codenamed Highland, is expected to bring new features and enhancements to the popular electric vehicle. Retail investors are keen to know what improvements and upgrades Tesla has made to the Model 3 and how they will enhance the overall customer experience. The Model 3 has been a key driver of Tesla’s success, and any updates to the model are of great interest to investors.

Availability in the U.S.

One of the key questions raised by retail investors is when the refreshed Model 3 will be available in the U.S. market. Retail investors are interested in understanding the timeline for the release of the Model 3 refresh and how it aligns with their investment timeline. The availability of the refreshed Model 3 in the U.S. market will have implications for Tesla’s sales and growth prospects in the coming quarters.

Other Shareholder Questions

Timeline of Optimus deployment in Gigafactory lines

Retail shareholders have raised questions about the timeline of Optimus deployment in Tesla’s Gigafactory lines. Optimus is Tesla’s internal code name for the company’s advanced manufacturing systems. Investors are interested in understanding when Tesla plans to deploy Optimus in its Gigafactory lines, as it could have a significant impact on the company’s production efficiency and cost structure.

Progress of full-driving software v12 software

The progress of Tesla’s full-driving software v12 software is another area of interest for retail investors. Tesla has been developing and refining its full-driving software to enable autonomous driving capabilities in its vehicles. Retail investors are eager to know the progress of this software and when it will be fully deployed and available to Tesla customers. The successful development and deployment of full-driving software could be a major milestone for Tesla.

Timeline for the full ramp-up of Cybertruck

Retail shareholders have also raised questions about the timeline for the full ramp-up of Cybertruck production. Investors are interested in understanding when Tesla plans to fully ramp up production of the Cybertruck and achieve mass production levels. The successful ramp-up of Cybertruck production will be crucial in meeting the high demand for the vehicle and generating significant revenue for Tesla.

Progress update on the 4680 Cell

The 4680 Cell is Tesla’s next-generation battery cell, and progress updates on its development are of great interest to retail investors. The 4680 Cell is expected to offer higher energy density and improved performance compared to previous battery cells used by Tesla. Retail investors are keen to know the progress of the 4680 Cell development and when it will be ready for mass production. The successful development and deployment of the 4680 Cell could provide Tesla with a competitive edge in the electric vehicle market.

Analysts’ Expectations and Market Reaction

Estimations of margin metric for Q3

Analysts have provided their estimates for Tesla’s margin metric in the third quarter. Deepwater Asset Management’s Gene Munster estimates the auto gross margin, excluding regulatory credits, to come in at 17.5%-17.8%. These estimates reflect the declining trend in margins observed in the previous quarters. Analyst expectations for Q3 margins will have a significant impact on investor sentiment and could influence the market reaction to the Q3 results.

Initial market reaction to the Q3 report

The initial market reaction to the Q3 report is anticipated to be negative, given the concerns over shrinking margins and the declining trend observed in previous quarters. Investors will closely analyze the financial performance and key metrics reported by Tesla in the Q3 report. Any surprises or deviations from analyst expectations could lead to a significant market reaction, with potential impacts on Tesla’s stock price and investor sentiment.

Potential shift in sentiment during the earnings call

While the initial market reaction to the Q3 report is expected to be negative, there is a possibility of a shift in sentiment during the earnings call. Tesla’s management will have the opportunity to address investor concerns, provide insights into the company’s future plans, and comment on key metrics, such as December’s gross margins. Positive commentary and indications of margin improvement could help restore investor confidence and lead to a positive shift in sentiment.

Future Prospects for Tesla Stock

High hopes for the Cybertruck

Despite concerns over shrinking margins, analysts and retail investors have high hopes for the Cybertruck. The successful launch and delivery of the Cybertruck could significantly boost Tesla’s sales volume and revenue. The Cybertruck’s unique design and features have generated significant interest among consumers, and its commercial availability in the near future is eagerly awaited by Tesla retail investors. The Cybertruck represents a major growth opportunity for Tesla and could have a positive impact on the company’s stock performance.

Expected boost to overall volume in 2024

The launch and success of the Model Y in 2020 had a significant impact on Tesla’s overall volume. Analysts expect a similar boost in volume from the Cybertruck in 2024. The Cybertruck has the potential to attract a new segment of customers and expand Tesla’s market reach. The anticipated increase in overall volume in 2024 is seen as a positive development for Tesla’s stock performance and its ability to generate sustainable growth.

Potential impact on the sales of other Tesla EVs

In addition to its direct impact on overall volume, the Cybertruck could have a positive “halo effect” on the sales of other Tesla electric vehicles. Retail investors are aware of the strong brand loyalty and customer base that Tesla has built over the years. The successful launch and popularity of the Cybertruck could further enhance brand loyalty and drive customer interest in other Tesla EVs. This potential impact on the sales of other Tesla vehicles is seen as a positive factor for the company’s stock performance.

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Premarket Trading and Stock Performance

Tesla stock’s movement in premarket trading

In premarket trading, Tesla’s stock has shown some movement, with a slight decline of 0.85% to $248.99, according to Benzinga Pro data. Pre-market trading can provide some insights into investor sentiment and expectations ahead of the release of the Q3 results. However, it’s important to note that pre-market trading movements may not accurately reflect the overall market reaction to the Q3 results, as trading volumes during this period are relatively low compared to regular trading hours.

Current stock price

Tesla’s stock price at the time of writing is $248.99, according to Benzinga Pro data. This price reflects the market’s current valuation of Tesla and takes into account various factors, including investor sentiment, market trends, and expectations for the company’s future performance. The Q3 results will likely have an impact on Tesla’s stock price and could lead to increased volatility in the stock market.

Potential market reaction to Q3 results

The Q3 results will likely trigger a market reaction, as investors analyze the financial performance and key metrics reported by Tesla. The market reaction could be influenced by factors such as the company’s margin performance, commentary on December’s gross margins, updates on Cybertruck deliveries and the Model 3 refresh, and any surprises or deviations from analyst expectations. The market’s reaction to the Q3 results will have implications for Tesla’s stock performance in the short term and could shape investor sentiment towards the company.


The Q3 results are of great importance for Tesla retail investors, as they provide insights into the company’s financial performance and growth prospects. Concerns over shrinking margins, the significance of Cybertruck deliveries, and the anticipation for the Model 3 refresh are key factors driving investor interest. The market’s reaction to the Q3 results, as well as Tesla’s ability to address investor concerns and deliver on key milestones, will play a significant role in shaping investor sentiment and determining the future prospects of Tesla stock.

Tesla Retail Investors Focus on Cybertruck Deliveries and Model 3 Refresh in Q3

Source: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/tesla-retail-investors-willing-to-look-past-ev-makers-shrinking-margins-in-q3-instead