The 400 richest people in America have the lowest percentage of individuals under 40 in two decades

The 400 richest people in America have the lowest percentage of individuals under 40 in two decades

The 400 richest people in America are experiencing a significant shift in demographics, with a striking decrease in individuals under the age of 40. In fact, this group now only includes four individuals under this age bracket, the lowest percentage in at least two decades. The Forbes 400 list for 2023 showcases the presence of some of the youngest billionaires, including renowned figures such as Mark Zuckerberg and Brian Armstrong, as well as a member of the Walmart dynasty. At just 37 years old, Lukas Walton stands out as the youngest billionaire on the list, boasting a staggering net worth of $24.2 billion. Other notable young billionaires making their mark include Joe Gebbia and Brian Chesky, prominent figures in Airbnb’s success story. This article explores the implications of this generational shift and its potential impact on the future of wealth distribution and entrepreneurship in America.

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The Forbes 400 list has long been a benchmark for measuring wealth and success in America. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the representation of individuals under the age of 40 on this prestigious list. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the decreasing percentage of young people on the Forbes 400 list, highlight the youngest billionaires for 2023, with a focus on Lukas Walton, and discuss the factors contributing to the low representation of individuals under 40. Furthermore, the article will explore the implications of this trend and emphasize the importance of youth representation in wealth distribution. Finally, it will propose potential initiatives and solutions to address the issue and promote the inclusion of younger generations in the Forbes 400 list.

The Decreasing Percentage of Individuals under 40 in the Forbes 400 List

Historical Overview

The Forbes 400 list, which ranks the wealthiest individuals in America, has seen a significant change in recent years. Historically, the list has included a higher percentage of individuals under the age of 40. However, the most recent data reveals a concerning trend – the lowest percentage of young individuals on the Forbes 400 list in at least two decades. Only four individuals under the age of 40 made the cut in the most recent edition of the list. This decline raises questions about the opportunities available for younger generations to accumulate wealth and achieve financial success.

Current Figures

The decreasing percentage of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list can be attributed to several factors. As of 2023, the list includes only four billionaires under 40, making up a mere 1% of the total list. This represents a significant decrease compared to previous years when the percentage was higher. This decline may be indicative of a broader trend in which younger individuals face increasing challenges in attaining significant wealth.

Youngest Billionaires on the Forbes 400 List for 2023

Mark Zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires on the Forbes 400 list for 2023 is Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook. At the age of 38, Zuckerberg has amassed a staggering net worth of over $100 billion. His success story as a young entrepreneur has been widely celebrated and has placed him among the most influential individuals in the business world.

Brian Armstrong

Another notable young billionaire on the Forbes 400 list is Brian Armstrong, the co-founder and CEO of Coinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange. At 38 years old, Armstrong has made a significant impact in the fintech industry, and his inclusion on the Forbes 400 list for 2023 reflects his exceptional wealth accumulation at a relatively young age.

Walmart Heir

In addition to tech moguls like Zuckerberg and Armstrong, the Forbes 400 list also features young billionaires who have inherited their wealth. One such example is a member of the Walmart family, who, at the age of 39, boasts a substantial fortune. The inclusion of heirs on the list highlights the presence of generational wealth as a factor in the representation of young individuals.

Lukas Walton: The Youngest Billionaire on the Forbes 400 List

Biographical Overview

Lukas Walton, aged 37, holds the distinction of being the youngest billionaire on the Forbes 400 list for 2023. As the grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton, Lukas inherited a significant portion of the family fortune. While he maintains a relatively low profile compared to other young billionaires, his inclusion on the list indicates the impact of generational wealth and inheritance.

Net Worth

Lukas Walton’s net worth is estimated to be around $24.2 billion, making him one of the wealthiest individuals under 40. His immense wealth is derived from his stake in Walmart, the retail giant started by his grandfather. The inclusion of Lukas Walton on the Forbes 400 list underscores the presence of inherited wealth as a significant factor in the representation of young individuals.

Notable Young Billionaires on the Forbes 400 List

Joe Gebbia

Joe Gebbia, co-founder of Airbnb, is one of the notable young billionaires included on the Forbes 400 list. Gebbia, at the age of 40, has made a significant impact in the hospitality industry by revolutionizing the way people travel. His success story as a young entrepreneur highlights the potential for innovation and wealth creation among individuals under 40.

Brian Chesky

Brian Chesky, the CEO and co-founder of Airbnb, is another prominent young billionaire featured on the Forbes 400 list. With a net worth of over $5 billion, Chesky, aged 41, has played a crucial role in transforming the way people find accommodations. His inclusion on the list demonstrates the potential for young entrepreneurs to generate substantial wealth through disruptive business ventures.

Factors Contributing to the Low Representation of Individuals under 40

Wealth Accumulation over Time

One factor contributing to the decreasing percentage of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list is the process of wealth accumulation over time. Many of the individuals on the list have been able to accumulate significant wealth through long-term investments and business ventures. Younger individuals may face challenges in building wealth and achieving the level of financial success required for inclusion on the Forbes 400 list.

Generational Wealth

The presence of generational wealth is another factor influencing the representation of young individuals on the Forbes 400 list. Inherited wealth can provide a significant advantage, allowing individuals to start their careers with significant resources at their disposal. The inclusion of heirs on the list suggests that the distribution of wealth across generations plays a role in limiting the representation of younger individuals.

Access to Opportunities

Access to opportunities is also a crucial factor contributing to the low representation of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list. Younger individuals may face barriers in accessing capital, networks, and mentorship opportunities that are vital for wealth creation and business success. Limited access to these resources can impede the ability of younger generations to achieve the level of financial success necessary for inclusion on the Forbes 400 list.

Implications of the Decreasing Presence of Young Individuals

Limited Diversity

The decreasing percentage of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list raises concerns about limited diversity within the wealthiest echelons of society. As young individuals face increasing challenges in attaining significant wealth, the list may become dominated by older individuals who have had more time to accumulate their fortunes. This lack of diversity can perpetuate existing inequalities and hinder social mobility.

Potential Impact on Innovation

The decreasing presence of young individuals on the Forbes 400 list may have a negative impact on innovation and creativity. Young entrepreneurs often bring fresh perspectives and disruptive ideas to the business world. By limiting the representation of young individuals, there is a risk of stifling innovation, as the voices and perspectives of the next generation may not be adequately represented in the highest levels of wealth and power.

The Importance of Youth Representation in Wealth Distribution

Balancing Generational Wealth

Ensuring youth representation in wealth distribution is crucial for promoting balance and fairness. The concentration of wealth within older generations can create economic disparities and limit opportunities for younger individuals. By including more young individuals on the Forbes 400 list, wealth distribution can become more equitable, allowing for a more balanced and inclusive society.

Supporting Young Entrepreneurs

Encouraging and supporting young entrepreneurs is essential for fostering innovation and economic growth. By providing resources, mentorship, and access to capital, young individuals can have the opportunity to build successful businesses and generate significant wealth. Supporting young entrepreneurs can contribute to a more diverse and vibrant business landscape, which ultimately benefits society as a whole.

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Addressing the Issue: Initiatives and Solutions

Promoting Financial Literacy

Promoting financial literacy among young individuals is a crucial step in addressing the low representation of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list. By equipping young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of wealth accumulation and investment, they can be better prepared to achieve financial success. Financial literacy programs and initiatives can empower young individuals to make informed decisions and take advantage of available opportunities.

Investing in Education and Skill Development

Investing in education and skill development is another important aspect of addressing the issue. By providing quality education and training programs, young individuals can acquire the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the modern economy. Education initiatives that focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and financial management can empower young individuals to pursue their business ventures and increase their chances of attaining significant wealth.

Creating Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs

Creating opportunities for young entrepreneurs is essential for promoting their inclusion on the Forbes 400 list. Governments, organizations, and businesses can establish programs and initiatives that provide funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities for young entrepreneurs. By removing barriers and facilitating access to resources, young individuals can have a fair chance at achieving financial success and making their mark on the business world.


The decreasing percentage of individuals under 40 on the Forbes 400 list raises important questions about access to wealth and opportunities for younger generations. While the inclusion of young billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg and Brian Armstrong showcases exceptional success stories, the overall decline in representation highlights the need for initiatives and solutions. By promoting financial literacy, investing in education and skill development, and creating opportunities for young entrepreneurs, society can work towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and ensure that the next generation has a fair chance to achieve financial success. The inclusion of young individuals on the Forbes 400 list is not only crucial for diversity and innovation but also for creating a more balanced and representative society.

The 400 richest people in America have the lowest percentage of individuals under 40 in two decades
