Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is a subindex of the DJSI Europe Diversified Index, specifically designed for investors looking for a regional index that incorporates sustainability best-in-class selection while minimizing size and sector biases. This index offers a comprehensive and balanced representation of companies within the European market that excel in sustainability practices. By focusing on sustainability criteria, such as environmental, social, and governance factors, the index aims to provide investors with an opportunity to align their portfolios with companies that prioritize sustainability and responsible business practices.

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The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is a subindex of the DJSI Europe Diversified Index. This index is designed for investors who are seeking a regional index that applies sustainability best-in-class selection while minimizing size and sector biases. It provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable companies in the European region.

Index Description

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is a subindex of the DJSI Europe Diversified Index. It includes companies that have been selected based on their sustainability performance. The index aims to provide investors with a benchmark for sustainable investments in the European region.


The purpose of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is to provide investors with a comprehensive view of sustainable companies in the European region. It allows investors to track the performance of these companies and make informed investment decisions based on their sustainability criteria.


The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is composed of companies that have met certain sustainability criteria. These criteria are based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. The index aims to include companies that have demonstrated strong sustainability performance and exclude those that do not meet the required standards.


Index Value

The current value of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is 1,320.1 USD. This value represents the overall performance of the index based on the performance of its constituent companies.

One-Day Performance

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index has experienced a one-day performance change of -1.50%. This change indicates the fluctuation in the index’s value over a single trading day.


The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index is denominated in USD (United States Dollar). This means that the index’s value is calculated and reported in terms of USD.

Index-Linked Products

Investment Products

There are various investment products that are linked to the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index. These products enable investors to gain exposure to the index and its constituent companies. Some of the investment products linked to the index include exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds.


Investing in index-linked products that are linked to the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index offers several benefits. These products allow investors to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of sustainable European companies. They also provide investors with a way to align their investment strategies with their sustainability goals.


The index-linked products linked to the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index are available to investors globally. These products can be accessed through various financial institutions and brokerage firms. Investors can choose the most suitable investment product based on their investment objectives and preferences.


Index Classification

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index follows a specific index classification methodology. This methodology involves the selection and classification of companies based on their sustainability performance. The index aims to include companies that have demonstrated strong sustainability practices and exclude those that do not meet the required standards.

ESG Core

The ESG Core is a key component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index methodology. It focuses on evaluating companies based on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. Companies that perform well in these areas are given higher weights in the index, while companies with poor performance are given lower weights or excluded.

DJSI Diversified

The DJSI Diversified methodology used in the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index aims to minimize size and sector biases in the index. It ensures that the index provides a balanced representation of companies from various sectors and of different sizes. This methodology helps to create a diversified and representative index.

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News & Research

Index News

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index regularly provides news and updates related to its performance and constituent companies. These updates may include information on changes in the index’s composition, corporate announcements, and other relevant news.

Results of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Consultation

The results of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Consultation on Index Membership Review Process are important for investors who are tracking the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index. These results may impact the composition and performance of the index.

S&P Dow Jones Indices Wins Environmental Finance’s ESG Index Provider of the Year Award

S&P Dow Jones Indices’ recognition as the ESG Index Provider of the Year by Environmental Finance demonstrates the credibility and expertise of the index provider. This award highlights the importance of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index as a reliable and reputable sustainability benchmark.



The FAQ section on S&P DJI ESG Scores provides answers to frequently asked questions about the ESG scoring methodology used by S&P Dow Jones Indices. This resource can help investors understand how companies are evaluated based on their environmental, social, and governance performance.

FAQ: ESG Back-Testing – Backward Data Assumption Overview

The FAQ section on ESG Back-Testing – Backward Data Assumption Overview provides information on the methodology used in evaluating ESG performance based on historical data. This resource can help investors understand how ESG scores are calculated and interpreted.

S&P Global ESG Data Primer

The S&P Global ESG Data Primer offers a comprehensive overview of ESG data and its relevance in investment decision-making. This resource provides insights into how ESG data is collected, analyzed, and utilized by investors and index providers such as S&P Dow Jones Indices.



The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index includes a diverse range of companies from the European region. These companies are selected based on their sustainability performance and adherence to ESG criteria. The constituents of the index represent various sectors and industries.

Sector Breakdown

The sector breakdown of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index provides insights into the distribution of companies from different sectors. This breakdown can help investors understand the composition of the index and the industries that are well-represented.

Country Breakdown

The country breakdown of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index highlights the geographic distribution of companies in the index. This breakdown can help investors understand the representation of different countries in the index and their contribution to its overall performance.

Top 10 Constituents

The top 10 constituents of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index are the companies with the highest weights in the index. These companies have demonstrated strong sustainability performance and are considered leaders in their respective sectors.

Full Constituents List

The full constituents list of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index provides a comprehensive view of all the companies included in the index. This list can be used by investors to analyze the individual companies and their sustainability credentials.

Education FAQ: S&P DJI ESG Scores

The FAQ section on S&P DJI ESG Scores provides answers to frequently asked questions about the ESG scoring methodology used by S&P Dow Jones Indices. This resource can help investors understand how companies are evaluated based on their environmental, social, and governance performance.

FAQ: ESG Back-Testing – Backward Data Assumption Overview

The FAQ section on ESG Back-Testing – Backward Data Assumption Overview provides information on the methodology used in evaluating ESG performance based on historical data. This resource can help investors understand how ESG scores are calculated and interpreted.

S&P Global ESG Data Primer

The S&P Global ESG Data Primer offers a comprehensive overview of ESG data and its relevance in investment decision-making. This resource provides insights into how ESG data is collected, analyzed, and utilized by investors and index providers such as S&P Dow Jones Indices.

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Content Type

The Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index offers various types of content to meet the needs of different investors. Investors can filter the content based on their preferences and choose from options such as brochures, research commentaries, education resources, performance reports, and more.


Investors can filter the content based on specific dates to access information that is relevant to their investment timeline. By selecting past week, past 30 days, past 60 days, or past year, investors can focus on recent updates and developments related to the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index.

Product Name

Investors who are interested in specific index-linked products can use the product name filter to quickly find relevant information. This filter allows investors to access details about specific products that are linked to the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Developed Diversified Index.

Product Type

Investors can filter the content based on the type of index-linked products they are interested in. This filter allows investors to focus on specific types of products, such as ETFs or mutual funds, that align with their investment preferences.


Investors can filter the content based on specific countries or regions to access information that is relevant to their investment interests. This filter allows investors to narrow down the content to focus on specific geographic areas of interest.


Investors who are interested in a particular company or investment product can use the ticker filter to quickly find relevant information. This filter allows investors to search by ticker symbol and access specific details about the companies or products they are interested in.

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S&P Dow Jones Indices offers career opportunities for individuals who are interested in working in the finance and investment industry. Job listings, information about employee benefits, and details about the company’s culture and values can be found on the S&P Dow Jones Indices website.

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S&P Dow Jones Indices is committed to corporate responsibility and sustainability. The company focuses on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives and aims to make a positive impact on society and the environment. The S&P Dow Jones Indices website provides information about the company’s corporate responsibility programs and initiatives.


S&P Dow Jones Indices has a rich history in providing innovative and reliable indices to the investment community. The company’s website features a timeline that highlights key milestones and developments throughout its history.

Investor Relations

Investors can find information about S&P Dow Jones Indices’ financial performance, earnings reports, and investor presentations on the Investor Relations section of the company’s website. This section also includes information on shareholder services and corporate governance.


S&P Dow Jones Indices’ leadership team is comprised of experienced professionals in the finance and investment industry. The Leadership section of the company’s website provides biographies and information about the executives who guide the company’s strategic direction and operations.

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