Enovix Announces Acquisition of Korean Battery Manufacturer Routejade

Enovix Announces Acquisition of Korean Battery Manufacturer Routejade

Enovix Corporation, a leading provider of advanced lithium-ion batteries, has recently made an exciting announcement: they are acquiring Routejade, a well-established Korean battery manufacturer. This strategic acquisition will provide Enovix with vertical integration of electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing, while also granting them access to Routejade’s factories in Korea and their range of complementary products, customers, and suppliers. The deal includes approximately 6.2 million shares of Enovix common stock and $16.5 million in cash, assuming the purchase of 100% of Routejade. Not only is this acquisition expected to be immediately accretive, but it also positions Enovix as a powerhouse in the lithium-ion battery industry. The transaction is set to close in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Enovix Announces Acquisition of Korean Battery Manufacturer Routejade

Enovix Corporation (ENVX) has recently announced its acquisition of Routejade, a well-established Korean battery manufacturer. The acquisition will be conducted through a stock-and-cash deal, with Enovix offering approximately 6.2 million shares of common stock and $16.5 million in cash for 100% of Routejade. This strategic move will provide Enovix with vertical integration of electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing, while also adding an established lithium-ion battery business with factories in Korea. Additionally, Enovix will gain access to complementary products, customers, and suppliers. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2023 and is projected to have immediate positive effects on Enovix’s operations.

Acquisition Details

Enovix’s acquisition of Routejade will involve a combination of stock and cash. Enovix will issue approximately 6.2 million shares of its common stock to Routejade’s shareholders, in addition to paying $16.5 million in cash. This transaction will result in Enovix owning 100% of Routejade’s business. The acquisition is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023, pending regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions.

Vertical Integration and Expansion

By acquiring Routejade, Enovix will achieve vertical integration of key aspects of the battery manufacturing process. Routejade specializes in electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing, which are critical components of lithium-ion battery production. Enovix’s existing capabilities combined with Routejade’s expertise will enable the company to optimize its supply chain and increase efficiency. The acquisition will also provide Enovix with additional manufacturing facilities in Korea, enhancing its global production capacity.

Transaction Timeline

The acquisition process between Enovix and Routejade is expected to take place over the next few months. Both companies will need to finalize the terms of the deal, obtain the necessary regulatory approvals, and complete other customary closing procedures. If everything progresses as planned, the transaction is anticipated to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023. However, it’s important to note that specific timelines may be subject to change based on external factors.

Immediate Benefits

Enovix’s acquisition of Routejade is expected to deliver several immediate benefits. The integration of Routejade’s expertise in electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing will streamline Enovix’s production process and reduce dependency on external suppliers. This vertical integration will allow for better control over the quality and consistency of the batteries produced. Additionally, Enovix will gain access to new customers and suppliers through Routejade’s existing partnerships, expanding its market reach. The acquisition is also projected to have a positive impact on Enovix’s financial performance, with the potential to increase revenue and profitability.

About Enovix Corporation

Enovix Corporation is a leading provider of advanced lithium-ion battery technology. The company specializes in developing and manufacturing high-energy-density batteries with superior performance characteristics. Enovix’s innovative approach combines state-of-the-art manufacturing processes with novel materials and designs. The company’s products find applications in various industries, including consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage.

About Routejade

Routejade is a Korean battery manufacturer that has established itself as a key player in the industry. The company specializes in electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing. With its advanced manufacturing capabilities and extensive experience, Routejade has been supplying high-quality lithium-ion batteries to a diverse range of customers. The company’s production facilities, located in Korea, are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and adhere to stringent quality standards.

Benefits of the Acquisition

The acquisition of Routejade by Enovix offers several significant advantages for both companies. Enovix will gain vertical integration, allowing for better control and optimization of the battery manufacturing process. By incorporating Routejade’s expertise in electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing, Enovix can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall quality of its products. Additionally, the acquisition provides Enovix with access to Routejade’s established customer base and supply chain, facilitating market expansion and growth opportunities.

Impact on the Battery Industry

Enovix’s acquisition of Routejade is expected to have a notable impact on the battery industry. The combined capabilities of the two companies will enhance the development and production of lithium-ion batteries, which are widely used in various applications. The vertical integration achieved through the acquisition will result in a more streamlined and efficient supply chain, benefiting both Enovix and its customers. With improved battery performance and reliability, Enovix will contribute to advancements in consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage.

Future Plans and Growth Strategy

Following the acquisition of Routejade, Enovix aims to leverage its expanded capabilities and market reach to further strengthen its position in the battery industry. The company plans to invest in research and development to continue innovating and developing advanced battery technologies. Enovix will also focus on expanding its customer base and establishing strategic partnerships to drive growth. By capitalizing on the synergies created by the acquisition, Enovix is well-positioned for future success and expansion.


Enovix’s acquisition of Routejade marks a significant milestone in the company’s strategic growth plans. The vertical integration achieved through this transaction will enhance Enovix’s battery manufacturing capabilities and expand its market presence. By combining their expertise and resources, Enovix and Routejade are poised to drive advancements in the battery industry, delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the growing demand for energy storage. With a focus on research and development, customer expansion, and strategic partnerships, Enovix is well-positioned for future success and industry leadership.

Source: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/enovix-to-buy-korean-battery-manufacturer-routejade