S&P Canada LargeMidCap Index

The S&P Canada LargeMidCap Index, developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices, is designed to measure the performance of large- and mid-cap companies in Canada. It is a comprehensive benchmark that provides investors with insights into the Canadian equity market. This index serves as a valuable tool for evaluating the performance of Canadian companies and making informed investment decisions. By tracking the performance of this index, investors can gain a deeper understanding of the Canadian equity market and potentially identify profitable investment opportunities.

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In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the S&P Canada LargeMidCap, including data, index-linked products, news and research, quick facts, characteristics, constituents, research and insights, filters, and information about S&P Dow Jones Indices. This information will help you better understand the S&P Canada LargeMidCap and its related offerings.


Data related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap is crucial for investors and market participants. This data includes information such as index values, sector breakdown, country breakdown, and constituent tickers. By analyzing this data, investors can track the performance of the index and make informed investment decisions.

Index-Linked Products

Index-linked products are financial instruments that derive their value from the performance of an underlying index, such as the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. These products allow investors to gain exposure to the performance of the index without directly investing in individual constituents. Index-linked products can include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, and structured products.

News & Research

Keeping up with the latest news and research related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap is essential for investors. This section provides information on Bloomberg ticker updates, relevant documents, related indices, news and announcements, and research and insights from S&P Dow Jones Indices. By staying informed, investors can make well-informed investment decisions based on current market trends and developments.

Bloomberg Ticker

The Bloomberg ticker for the S&P Canada LargeMidCap is SBPCCAL. This ticker can be used to access real-time market data and track the performance of the index.


The S&P Canada LargeMidCap has various documents available for investors to gain a deeper understanding of the index and its methodology. These documents include factsheets, methodology information, and regulatory documents. By reviewing these documents, investors can understand how the index is constructed and maintained.

Related Indices

The S&P Canada LargeMidCap may have related indices that investors can consider for their investment strategies. These related indices may include the S&P/TSX 60 2% Decrement Index, S&P/TSX 60 3% Decrement Index, S&P Canada BMI, and S&P 500 Low Volatility Index. Understanding the relationship between these indices can provide investors with additional insights into the broader market.

News & Announcements

Stay updated with the latest news and announcements related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. S&P Dow Jones Indices regularly provides updates on changes to the index, such as index composition modifications and methodology updates. By staying informed, investors can adapt their investment strategies accordingly.

Research & Insights

Gain valuable research and insights from S&P Dow Jones Indices regarding the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. This research can include educational materials, research reports, and commentary on the index’s performance and market trends. By leveraging this research, investors can make well-informed investment decisions based on data-driven analysis.

Quick Facts

Quick facts about the S&P Canada LargeMidCap can provide investors with a snapshot of key information about the index. This section includes information on the characteristics of the index, constituents, sector breakdown, country breakdown, and tickers associated with the index.


The S&P Canada LargeMidCap is designed to measure large- and mid-cap constituents of the S&P Canada BMI. It provides investors with exposure to a broad range of Canadian companies, capturing a significant portion of the Canadian equity market.


The S&P Canada LargeMidCap consists of a diverse group of constituents that represent various sectors of the Canadian economy. These constituents may include companies from industries such as financials, energy, technology, healthcare, and consumer goods.

Sector Breakdown

Understanding the sector breakdown of the S&P Canada LargeMidCap is important for investors to assess the index’s exposure to different sectors of the Canadian economy. The sector breakdown can help investors identify which sectors are driving the index’s performance and make sector-specific investment decisions.

Country Breakdown

The S&P Canada LargeMidCap focuses on companies listed in Canada, providing investors with exposure to the Canadian equity market. Understanding the country breakdown of the index can help investors assess the geographic diversification of their investment portfolio.


Tickers associated with the S&P Canada LargeMidCap can be used to track the performance of the index and access related financial products. These tickers may include ETFs, mutual funds, or other index-linked products available to investors in the market.


Further exploring the characteristics of the S&P Canada LargeMidCap index can provide investors with a deeper understanding of its structure and methodology. This section provides insights into the constituents, top 10 constituents by index weight, and the full constituents list.


The S&P Canada LargeMidCap consists of a diverse group of constituents that represent various sectors of the Canadian economy. These constituents may include companies from industries such as financials, energy, technology, healthcare, and consumer goods. By analyzing the constituents of the index, investors can gain insights into the companies driving the index’s performance.

Top 10 Constituents by Index Weight

Analyzing the top 10 constituents of the S&P Canada LargeMidCap by index weight can give investors a sense of which companies have the most significant impact on the index’s performance. In addition, understanding the sector composition of these top constituents can provide insights into the sectors that are driving the overall index.

Full Constituents List

Accessing the full constituents list of the S&P Canada LargeMidCap allows investors to see the complete range of companies included in the index. This list can help investors assess the diversification and representativeness of the index and make informed investment decisions based on their preferences and investment strategies.

Research & Insights

Research and insights from S&P Dow Jones Indices can provide investors with valuable information and analysis regarding the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. This section includes educational materials and research reports that offer insights into the index’s performance, historical trends, and market dynamics.


Educational materials related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap can help investors understand the index’s methodology, construction, and performance measurement. By gaining a deeper understanding of how the index works, investors can make more informed investment decisions and assess the suitability of the index for their investment objectives.


Research reports from S&P Dow Jones Indices can provide investors with insights into the S&P Canada LargeMidCap’s performance, correlations with other indices, and historical trends. By analyzing this research, investors can gain valuable insights into market dynamics and identify potential investment opportunities.


Filters are important tools for investors to refine and customize their search for market data and information related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. This section highlights two essential filters: content type and dates.


The content type filter allows investors to narrow down their search based on specific types of information they are looking for. This filter can include options such as brochures, research commentary, education materials, performance reports, events, webinars, index TV, corporate news, index announcements, and index launches.


The dates filter allows investors to specify the timeframe for which they want to access information related to the S&P Canada LargeMidCap. This filter can include options such as the past week, past 30 days, past 60 days, past year, or a custom range. By using this filter, investors can focus on the most relevant and up-to-date information.

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Product Name

The S&P Canada LargeMidCap is a widely recognized index in the Canadian equity market. However, investors might be interested in exploring specific index-linked products that are linked to this index. This section provides information on a product called Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares, including its product type, country/region, and ticker symbol.

About S&P Dow Jones Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices is a leading provider of indices and benchmarking solutions. They offer a wide range of indices across different asset classes, including equities, fixed income, commodities, and digital assets. S&P Dow Jones Indices’ indices are trusted by investors and market participants globally for their accuracy, transparency, and reliability. Their services also include research, education, and performance reporting to help investors make informed investment decisions. With a strong focus on governance and methodologies, S&P Dow Jones Indices ensures the integrity and quality of their indices to meet the needs of market participants and investors.

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Source: https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-canada-largemidcap