S&P Dow Jones Indices

The S&P Dow Jones Indices provides a comprehensive range of financial tools and market intelligence to empower professionals in the global market. With a wide variety of offerings and a commitment to sustainable investing, S&P Global aims to assist wealth managers, insurance companies, institutional investors, and defined contribution plans in making informed decisions. Through their diverse indices, research, and insights, S&P Dow Jones Indices strives to support individuals and organizations in navigating the complexities of the financial landscape and achieving their investment goals. Explore their extensive range of equity, fixed income, commodities, ESG, and other strategies to gain a deeper understanding of the markets and drive better outcomes for your portfolio.

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Indices Overview

Indices are important tools for investors to track the performance of various sectors and asset classes in the financial markets. They provide a snapshot of the overall market or specific segments, allowing investors to monitor trends and make informed investment decisions. In this article, we will provide an overview of different categories of indices offered by S&P Global, including equity indices, fixed income indices, commodities indices, dividends & factors indices, multi-asset indices, other strategies indices, ESG indices, thematics indices, digital assets indices, and indicators indices.

Equity Indices

Equity indices track the performance of a basket of publicly-traded stocks representing a specific market, sector, or theme. These indices serve as benchmarks for portfolio performance measurement and comparison. S&P Global offers a wide range of equity indices, including indices categorized by region and those provided in partnership with IHS Markit.

Fixed Income Indices

Fixed income indices measure the performance of fixed income securities, such as bonds and loans. These indices provide investors with a benchmark against which they can evaluate the performance of their fixed income investments. S&P Global offers fixed income indices categorized by region and in partnership with IHS Markit.

Commodities Indices

Commodities indices track the performance of commodities, such as agricultural products, energy, metals, and other raw materials. These indices offer investors exposure to the commodities markets and provide a benchmark for commodity-related investments. S&P Global offers commodities indices categorized by region and in partnership with IHS Markit.

Dividends & Factors Indices

Dividends & factors indices focus on dividend-paying stocks and other factors, such as value, growth, quality, and low volatility. These indices are designed to provide investors with exposure to specific factors that may influence stock performance. S&P Global offers dividends & factors indices categorized by region and in collaboration with IHS Markit.

Multi-Asset Indices

Multi-asset indices combine different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities, into a single benchmark. These indices allow investors to track the performance of a diversified portfolio and assess the overall market sentiment. S&P Global offers multi-asset indices offering exposure to various combinations of asset classes.

Other Strategies Indices

Other strategies indices include indices that track specific investment strategies, such as momentum, equal weight, high dividend, and low volatility. These indices provide investors with exposure to alternative investment approaches and can be used to evaluate the performance of such strategies. S&P Global offers a range of other strategies indices to cater to different investor preferences.

ESG Indices

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) indices focus on companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and governance practices. These indices allow investors to incorporate ESG factors into their investment decisions and align their portfolios with their sustainability objectives. S&P Global offers ESG indices that integrate ESG considerations into the index methodology.

Thematics Indices

Thematics indices focus on specific investment themes or trends, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, clean energy, and healthcare innovation. These indices enable investors to gain exposure to sectors or industries that are expected to experience significant growth or transformation. S&P Global offers thematics indices that cover a wide range of investment themes.

Digital Assets Indices

Digital assets indices track the performance of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. These indices provide investors with a benchmark to track the performance of the digital asset market and assess the potential of digital assets as an investment class. S&P Global offers digital assets indices that cover a range of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

Indicators Indices

Indicators indices provide insights into the broader market trends and economic indicators. These indices incorporate macroeconomic and market indicators to offer investors an overview of the market conditions and economic outlook. S&P Global offers indicators indices that track various economic and market indicators.

Research & Insights

In addition to providing a comprehensive range of indices, S&P Global offers research and insights to help investors stay informed and make informed investment decisions. The research and insights provided by S&P Global cover a wide range of topics and include research commentary, education materials, performance reports, SPIVA (S&P Persistence Scorecard), investment themes, blog articles, events, and index TV.

Research Commentary

S&P Global provides research commentary on various market trends, economic developments, and investment strategies. The research commentary includes in-depth analysis and insights from S&P Global’s team of experts, helping investors understand the implications of market events and make informed investment decisions.


S&P Global offers educational resources to help investors deepen their understanding of the financial markets and investment concepts. The education materials cover a wide range of topics, including investment basics, asset classes, risk management, and portfolio construction. These resources are designed to empower investors with the knowledge they need to make informed investment decisions.

Performance Reports

Performance reports provide an analysis of the historical performance of different indices and investment strategies. These reports offer investors insights into the performance characteristics, risk-return profiles, and historical trends of various asset classes and investment approaches. S&P Global’s performance reports provide comprehensive data and analysis to help investors evaluate the effectiveness of different investment strategies.


SPIVA (S&P Persistence Scorecard) is a comprehensive report that evaluates the performance persistence of actively managed funds relative to their respective benchmarks. The report compares the performance of actively managed funds to the performance of their benchmark indices, providing investors with insights into the performance consistency of active managers. SPIVA is a valuable tool for investors evaluating investment options and assessing the value of active management.

Investment Themes

S&P Global’s investment themes highlight emerging trends, sectors, and industries that present potential investment opportunities. These investment themes analyze market dynamics, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and other factors that drive investment trends. The investment themes help investors identify areas of growth and innovation and align their investment strategies accordingly.


S&P Global’s blog provides a platform for thought leaders and industry experts to share their insights and analysis on various market topics. The blog covers a wide range of subjects, including market trends, investment strategies, economic developments, and regulatory changes. The blog articles offer investors diverse perspectives and help them stay updated on the latest market developments.


S&P Global organizes events, conferences, and webinars to bring together industry professionals, thought leaders, and investors. These events provide a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and discussions on market trends, investment strategies, and industry developments. S&P Global’s events offer investors the opportunity to learn from experts, exchange ideas, and stay connected with the investment community.

Index TV

Index TV is an online video channel that provides insights, interviews, and analysis on market trends, investment strategies, and industry developments. Index TV features interviews with industry experts, highlights from conferences and events, and presentations on various investment topics. Investors can access Index TV to stay updated on the latest market insights and gain a deeper understanding of different investment themes.

Exchange Relationships

S&P Global has exchange relationships in various regions around the world, facilitating the availability and accessibility of its indices to investors globally. These exchange relationships ensure that investors can access S&P Global’s indices through their preferred trading platforms and investment vehicles. S&P Global’s exchange relationships cover North America, Latin America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and Asia Pacific.

North America

S&P Global has exchange relationships with major stock exchanges in North America, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the NASDAQ Stock Market. These exchange relationships enable investors in North America to access S&P Global’s indices through trading platforms and investment products listed on these exchanges.

Latin America

S&P Global has exchange relationships with stock exchanges in Latin American countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia. These exchange relationships provide investors in Latin America with access to S&P Global’s indices through local trading platforms and investment products listed on these exchanges.


S&P Global has exchange relationships with stock exchanges in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. These exchange relationships cover countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. The exchange relationships in EMEA enable investors in these regions to access S&P Global’s indices through local trading platforms and investment products listed on these exchanges.

Asia Pacific

S&P Global has exchange relationships with stock exchanges in the Asia Pacific region, including exchanges in countries such as Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, and Singapore. These exchange relationships ensure that investors in the Asia Pacific region can access S&P Global’s indices through local trading platforms and investment products listed on these exchanges.

Professional Resources

S&P Global provides professional resources and solutions for wealth managers, insurance companies, institutional investors, and defined contribution plan sponsors. These resources are designed to support professionals in their investment decision-making and help them achieve their financial goals.

Wealth Managers

S&P Global offers a range of resources and solutions for wealth managers, including access to indices, research, and analytics tools. These resources enable wealth managers to construct portfolios, monitor performance, and provide value-added services to their clients. S&P Global’s wealth management solutions are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of wealth managers.


S&P Global provides resources and solutions for insurance companies, helping them manage their investment portfolios, assess risk, and make informed investment decisions. These resources include indices that serve as benchmarks for insurance company portfolios, research on insurance-related topics, and risk management tools. S&P Global’s insurance solutions are designed to support insurance companies in optimizing their investment strategies and improving their risk management practices.

Institutional Investors

S&P Global offers a wide range of resources and solutions for institutional investors, including pension funds, endowments, foundations, and sovereign wealth funds. These resources include indices that serve as benchmarks for institutional investor portfolios, research and insights on investment trends and strategies, and risk management tools. S&P Global’s institutional investor solutions are designed to help institutional investors achieve their investment objectives and navigate the complexities of the financial markets.

Defined Contribution

S&P Global provides resources and solutions for defined contribution plan sponsors, such as retirement plan administrators and fiduciaries. These resources include target-date indices that serve as benchmarks for defined contribution plan portfolios, research on retirement-related topics, and tools for plan design and monitoring. S&P Global’s defined contribution solutions help plan sponsors optimize their retirement plan offerings and assist participants in achieving their retirement goals.


S&P Global is committed to maintaining high standards of governance and transparency in its operations. The governance section provides information on regulatory requirements, methodologies used in index construction, consultations on index methodology changes, and corporate engagement initiatives.

Regulatory Information

S&P Global provides information on regulatory requirements applicable to its indices and operations. This includes compliance with regulatory frameworks, such as benchmark regulations, and adherence to best practices in index governance. The regulatory information helps investors understand the regulatory context in which S&P Global operates and provides assurance of the integrity of its indices.


S&P Global’s indices are constructed using rigorous methodologies that are transparent and objective. The methodologies define the rules and criteria for index composition, including eligibility criteria, weighting schemes, and rebalancing procedures. S&P Global provides detailed information on the methodologies used in its indices, allowing investors to understand how the indices are constructed and maintained.


S&P Global engages in consultations with market participants on changes to index methodologies and other relevant topics. These consultations provide an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback, express their views, and contribute to the evolution of S&P Global’s indices. The consultations ensure that the interests and perspectives of market participants are considered in the decision-making process.

Corporate Engagement

S&P Global actively engages with companies included in its indices to promote corporate governance best practices and ESG considerations. This engagement includes discussions with company management, participation in shareholder meetings, and collaboration with other investors and stakeholders. S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives aim to encourage companies to adopt sustainable business practices and enhance long-term value creation.

Equity Indices

S&P Global offers a comprehensive range of equity indices that cover various categories and regions. These equity indices serve as benchmarks for different markets and provide investors with valuable insights into the performance of specific sectors, themes, or regions.

By Category

S&P Global’s equity indices are categorized based on different criteria, such as market capitalization, sectors, styles, and factors. Investors can choose from a wide range of equity indices based on their investment objectives and preferences. The categories include large-cap, small-cap, sector-specific, factor-based, and thematic indices, among others.

By Region

S&P Global’s equity indices also cover different regions around the world, allowing investors to track the performance of specific regional markets. The regions covered include North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific. Investors can select equity indices based on their regional focus and investment strategy.

IHS Markit Indices

S&P Global collaborates with IHS Markit to provide a range of equity indices. These indices leverage the expertise and data resources of both organizations to offer investors unique insights and investment opportunities. The IHS Markit indices cover various categories and regions, providing investors with a diverse range of choices.

Fixed Income Indices

Fixed income indices offered by S&P Global enable investors to track the performance of fixed income securities and assess the performance of their fixed income investments. The fixed income indices cover different categories and regions, providing investors with benchmarks to evaluate the performance of specific fixed income markets or strategies.

By Category

S&P Global’s fixed income indices are categorized based on different fixed income sectors, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and emerging market bonds. These categories allow investors to track the performance of specific sectors and tailor their fixed income investments to their preferences and risk appetite.

By Region

S&P Global’s fixed income indices also cover different regions around the world, providing investors with benchmarks for regional fixed income markets. The regions covered include North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific. Investors can choose fixed income indices that align with their regional investment focus.

IHS Markit Indices

S&P Global’s collaboration with IHS Markit extends to fixed income indices as well. The IHS Markit indices offered in partnership with S&P Global cover various fixed income categories and regions. These indices combine the expertise and data resources of both organizations to provide investors with comprehensive benchmarks for fixed income investments.

Commodities Indices

Commodities indices offered by S&P Global allow investors to track the performance of commodities markets and gain exposure to various commodities, such as energy, metals, agricultural products, and other raw materials. The commodities indices cover different categories and regions, providing investors with benchmarks for commodity-related investments.

By Category

S&P Global’s commodities indices are categorized based on different commodities sectors, such as energy, metals, agriculture, and soft commodities. These categories enable investors to track the performance of specific commodities sectors and focus their investments on areas of interest or opportunity.

By Region

S&P Global’s commodities indices also cover different regions around the world, providing investors with benchmarks for regional commodities markets. The regions covered include North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific. Investors can select commodities indices that align with their regional investment focus.

IHS Markit Indices

S&P Global’s collaboration with IHS Markit extends to commodities indices as well. The IHS Markit indices offered in partnership with S&P Global cover various commodities categories and regions. These indices combine the expertise and data resources of both organizations to provide investors with comprehensive benchmarks for commodities investments.

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Dividends & Factors Indices

Dividends & factors indices offered by S&P Global focus on dividend-paying stocks and other factors that can influence stock performance. These indices enable investors to gain exposure to specific factors or investment styles and evaluate the performance of dividend-focused or factor-based investment strategies.

By Category

S&P Global’s dividends & factors indices are categorized based on different factors or investment styles, including value, growth, quality, low volatility, and high dividend. These categories provide investors with benchmarks for specific investment styles and enable them to tailor their investments to their preferred factors.

By Region

S&P Global’s dividends & factors indices also cover different regions around the world, providing investors with benchmarks for regional dividend-focused or factor-based investment strategies. The regions covered include North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific. Investors can select indices that align with their regional investment focus.

IHS Markit Indices

S&P Global’s collaboration with IHS Markit includes dividends & factors indices as well. The IHS Markit indices offered in partnership with S&P Global cover various dividends & factors categories and regions. These indices combine the expertise and data resources of both organizations to provide investors with comprehensive benchmarks for dividends & factors investments.

Corporate Engagement Governance

S&P Global’s corporate engagement governance initiatives focus on various categories of indices to promote corporate governance best practices and ESG considerations.

Equity Indices

S&P Global engages with companies included in its equity indices to encourage them to adopt sustainable business practices and enhance corporate governance. This engagement includes discussions with company management, participation in shareholder meetings, and collaboration with other investors and stakeholders. S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for equity indices help drive positive change in corporate behavior and improve long-term value creation.

Fixed Income Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives also extend to companies included in its fixed income indices. The engagement focuses on promoting sustainable business practices and ESG considerations among fixed income issuers. S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for fixed income indices aim to enhance transparency, risk management, and long-term value creation in the fixed income market.

Commodities Indices

S&P Global engages with companies involved in commodities production and trading to promote sustainability and responsible business practices. The engagement focuses on areas such as environmental impact, labor practices, community engagement, and governance. S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for commodities indices aim to drive positive change in commodities markets and promote sustainable development.

Dividends & Factors Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for dividends & factors indices focus on encouraging companies to adopt dividend policies that align with shareholder interests and promoting factors that contribute to long-term value creation. The engagement aims to enhance dividend practices, corporate transparency, and overall governance among companies included in S&P Global’s dividends & factors indices.

Multi-Asset Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for multi-asset indices encompass various asset classes and investment strategies. The engagement focuses on promoting sustainable and responsible investment practices across different asset classes and encouraging companies to consider ESG factors in their long-term investment decisions.

Other Strategies Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for other strategies indices cover a range of investment approaches, such as momentum, equal weight, high dividend, and low volatility. The engagement aims to promote best practices and responsible investing among companies included in these indices, fostering transparency, risk management, and long-term value creation.

ESG Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for ESG indices focus on encouraging companies to adopt and disclose ESG practices, improve governance, and contribute to sustainable development. The engagement aims to promote responsible corporate behavior and enhance the quality and availability of ESG data for investors.

Thematics Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for thematics indices focus on fostering sustainability and responsible business practices within specific investment themes. The engagement aims to drive positive change in sectors or industries related to the investment themes covered by S&P Global’s thematics indices.

Digital Assets Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for digital assets indices focus on promoting transparency, investor protection, and market integrity in the digital asset market. The engagement aims to encourage responsible practices among digital asset issuers and promote the development of a regulated and reliable digital asset ecosystem.

Indicators Indices

S&P Global’s corporate engagement initiatives for indicators indices focus on promoting transparency and best practices in economic and market indicators. The engagement aims to enhance the quality and reliability of indicators used by investors to assess market conditions and make informed investment decisions.

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Source: https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/commodities/sp-gsci-2x-leveraged-all-crude